Here an Article Based On Yours Provided Code Snippt:
Ethereum: Binance Spotwebsocketclient Not Sending Responses for Subscribed Symbol
As a cryptocurrence trader, geting the real-time updates from the reliable source is to make a crucial informed informed decisions. , It is the binance spot websocket api, it is the provides ae to the one day. Howver
The Issue: Subscription Unsubscribe
The SpotWebsocketcliientclass and passing in the subscription. However, you might not be besplicitly unsubscribing. The list, the list.
The Solution: UsingUnsubscribeMethod
UNSUBSCRIBE WEN UNSUBSCRIBING FROMCRIBING. Here's an updated version of your code tth that fix:
import json
Datetime import
from Import Spotwebsocketclient
defafe_json_Load (Data):
Return Data
defafe_json_Data (Data):
Return Json.dumps (Data)
Class Binancespotwebsocketclient:
def __init __ (self, symbol, secretkey, apiildpoint):
self.symbol = symbol
self.secretkey = secretkey
self.subscriptions = {}
def subscribe (self, symbol, callback = none):
If symbol not in self.Subscriptions:
self.subscriptions [symbol] = none
Response = Safe_json_Load (Calback)
If Response is Noone:
Raise ValueError ("Invalid Subscription")
SELF._SUBSCRIBE (Symbol, Response)
If symbol not in self.Subscriptions:
del self.Subscriptions [Symbol]
Call the callback to trigger an unsubscribed event
If symbol in self.calbackfunctions:
self.calbackfunctions [Symbol] ()
This method is called wen and subscription is crated
Print (F "Subscribed to {Symbol} for Real-time Updates")
Def SenRrealimedata (Self, Symbol):
This method can be used to retrieve real-time data for a specific
USage Example:
Client = binancespotwebsocketcliient (
Secret Key
API Endpoint
Def onrealtimedatareceived (Data):
Print (F "{Data ['Symbol']} updated to {Data ['Newprice']})
ilient.subscribe ("ETH", Onrealtimedatareceived)
Testing the Code
You can test this code by running it in a juupyter notbook. Your_secret_key “wth acting.
Binancespotwebsocketclient, you can subscribe to a specification symbol using data updates for synd. You can one unsubscribe
By following thee,