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CRYPTOCURRENCY February 8, 2025 0

Securing Address Verification with Metamask: A Step-BY-Step guide

As a Web Developer, You’ve Likely Encountered the Challenge of Verifying An Owner’s Identity When a User Shares Their Ethereum Wallet Address On Your Website. This is where metamask comes in – a popular browser extension that securely manages and stores ethereum accounts. In this article, we’ll walk through how to use metamask to verify if a user owns an address from within your website.

What is Metamask?

Before Diving Into The Solution, Let’s Quickly Cover What Metamask Does. It’s A Secure Wallet Extension That Allows Users To Import Their Ethereum Accounts Directly Into Your Website Or Mobile App. When a user imports their account, they can Choose Whether to share it with you or keep it private.

Step 1: Prepare Your Website for Verification

To verify if a user owns an address from metamask, you’ll need to create a simple endpoint on your server that accepts the imported address as input. For this example, let’s assume your website uses node.js as its backend language.

Create a new file called index.js and add the following code:


Contress = Require (‘Express’);

Const app = Express (); (‘/Verify-Address’, (REQ, RES) => {

Contress = req.body.address;

// Integrate with Metamask API to Verify ownership

import (‘metamask’). Then ((API) => {

api.verifyaddress (Address) .Then ((result) => {

if (result.verified) {

res.json ({message: ‘User owns this address’});

} Else {

res.json ({message: ‘User does not own this address’});


}). Catch ((error) => {

console.error (error);

res. status (500) .json ({error: ‘Failed to verify ownership’});


}). Catch ((error) => {

console.error (error);

res. status (400) .json ({error: ‘Invalid request data’});




This code imports the metamask api and uses it to verify if the imported address is owned by metamask. If ownership is verified, we respond with a success message.

Step 2: Integrate Metamask With Your Website

To integrate metamask with your website, you’ll need to add the metamask library as a deependency in yourjson 'file:



"Name": "My website",

"Version": "1.0.0",

"Dependencies": {

"@types/metamask": "^3.4.7",

"Express": "^4.17.1"



Next, create a new file called metamask.js and add the following code:


import {ethers} From ‘Ethers’;

Import * as Metamask From ‘@Types/Metamask’;

Const API = metamask;

Export default async function verifyaddress (address) {

Const account = Await API.Get account (Address);

if (account) {

Return True;

} Else {

Return False;




This code uses the metamask api to retrieve an ethereum account object associated with the imported address.

Step 3: Call the Verification Function

To verify a user’s ownership, call the verifyaddress function from your website:


Contress = ‘0x … User-Addr …’; // Replace with the Actual Metamask Address

Fetch (‘/Verify-Address’, {

method: ‘post’,

headers: {‘content type’: ‘Application/JSON’},

body: json.stringify ({address}),


.Then ((response) => response.json ())

.Then ((result) => console.log (result))

.catch ((error) => console.error (error));


Replace ... user-addr ... With the actual metamask address you imported from your website.

By following thesis steps, you can securely verify if a user owns an ethereum address using metamask. This approach Ensures that the verification process is encrypted and tamper-proof, protecting sensitive user data.

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